Research Air Shower Manufacturers and Suppliers

Where Can I Get A Quotation For An Air Shower?

An air shower is a type of equipment used to blow off excess particles from personnel, removing dust and debris before entering cleanroom environments. Air showers utilize high velocity air nozzles to dislodge particles from clothing and exposed body parts through turbulence. They are common in manufacturing facilities, research labs, healthcare settings and other places requiring contaminant control.

There are air shower providers at the global, national and local levels to evaluate. Casting a wide net increases your chances of getting competitive pricing.

Global Manufacturers

Major corporations that design, engineer and build air showers with international availability include:

Terra Universal




Kwang Purification

Kimberly Clark

Local Distributors

Don't overlook smaller specialized distributors in your specific metro area. They can provide product knowledge and service tailored to your facility.

Request Quotes from At Least 3 Companies

Reach out to a mix of manufacturers, national suppliers and local distributors when requesting quotations. Provide each with your facility specifications and requirements.

Compare Based on Price

Pricing will likely vary across the different companies depending on product lines and distribution models. Compare bottom line costs including equipment purchase price, expected shipping fees, necessary installation and any other costs identified.

Compare Based on Features

Review the features of each quoted air shower model paying close attention to factors like:

Airflow velocity - Higher speed increases particle removal

Filtration - HEPA and ULPA filters provide cleaner air

Cycle time - Faster cycle improves throughput

Construction - Stainless steel lasts longer than aluminum

Ensure the features match your facility's needs.

Compare Based on Delivery Timeframe

Ask each vendor for an estimated lead time and delivery schedule. This allows you to align equipment acquisition with operational timelines and openings.

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