Air Shower Clean Room

Cleanroom Service: Design, Build and Install. Clean Room Equipment and Supplies: Modular Clean Room, Air Shower

Air Showers for Cleanroom Personnel

Air showers serve to protect your cleanroom environment and products from unwanted contamination.Stainless Steel Air Shower

Clean garments become contaminated during the gowning/ungowning process, general use, and because of high traffic in the gowning area. The contamination problem is amplified when the same garment is worn several times or is taken on and off numerous times during the day.Cargo Air Shower

Air Showers for Cleanroom Personnel

Cleanroom Air Showers are designed to supply ISO Class 5 (Class 100) airflow while removing particulate contamination from personnel entering a cleanroom. An individual can stand or walk through the chamber and be scrubbed by pressurized air from nozzles at a minimum velocity of 5000 FPM.Microelectronics Cleanroom

air shower is a fast and effective method of removing this surface contamination; contamination that will otherwise be carried directly to your cleanroom and deposited on your product and critically clean areas by coming off the surface of the garments.Pharmacy Cleanroom

Air Showers for Cleanroom Personnel

It has a knock-down design that allows ease-of-installation and flexibility in use. The unit can be shipped knocked down or completely assembled. When shipped knocked down, all parts will fit through a standard door. All service to the blower, motor and filters is done from inside the air shower. The unit also offers an optional design that allows all the installation assembly to be done from inside the air shower.

If you need a cleanroom or air showers, rely on our experienced team to create a cleanroom solution for your exact needs. Contact us for additional information.

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